Thursday, February 09, 2006



Ari ni kepala aku pening, ari ni badan aku lesu, ari ni tekak aku sakit, ari jugak aku mula start batuk..... semua tanda-tanda sudah kelihatan... tunggu masa jer nak demam ni.... tapi aku tak rasa demam aku ni disebabkan jangkitan virus atau bakteria... Aku suspect mesti disebabkan badan yang lesu akibat kekurangan electrolite dalam badan..... 2-3 menjak ni cuaca amat panas.... aku ni pulak jenis yang kurang minum air... selalunya aku akan minum pada awal pagi dan juga pada waktu makan tgh hari ajer.... Apa yang aku perlu buat sekarang ni cuma lah lebih rehat dan dapatkan sebotol 100 plus.... InsyaAllah, ok la lepas tu.....

Oleh kerana kepala tgh jem akibat kepeningan... aku berenti setakat ni ajer lah.... sesaper yang rasa rugi baca blog aku ari ni.. sori la yea.... Ni aku paste serba sikit tentang Weakness(kelesuan) dan electrolytes imbalance... kalau ader yang tak paham tu sila la bertanya.


General weakness often occurs after you have done too much activity at one time, such as by taking an extra-long hike. You may feel weak and tired, or your muscles may be sore. These sensations usually go away within a few days.

In rare cases, generalized muscle weakness may be caused by another health problem, such as:

  • Problems with the thyroid gland, which regulates the way the body uses energy.
    • A low thyroid level (hypothyroidism) can cause fatigue, weakness, lethargy, weight gain, depression, memory problems, constipation, dry skin, intolerance to cold, coarse and thinning hair, brittle nails, or a yellowish tint to the skin.
    • A high thyroid level (hyperthyroidism) can cause fatigue, weight loss, increased heart rate, intolerance to heat, sweating, irritability, anxiety, muscle weakness, and thyroid enlargement.
  • Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, a rare nerve disorder that causes weakness in the legs, arms, and other muscles and that can progress to complete paralysis.
  • Myasthenia gravis, a rare, chronic disorder that causes weakness and rapid muscle fatigue.
  • A problem with the minerals (electrolytes) found naturally in the body, such as low levels of potassium or sodium.

Muscle weakness that is slowly getting worse requires a visit to a health professional.

Sudden muscle weakness and loss of function in one area of the body can indicate a serious problem within the brain (such as a stroke or transient ischemic attack) or spinal cord or with a specific nerve in the body.

Electrolytes and electrolyte imbalances

Electrolytes are minerals found naturally in the body, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. Electrolytes are needed to keep the body's balance of fluids at the proper level and to maintain normal functions, such as heart rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain function.

If the body's electrolytes are not in proper balance, a person may have seizures, an irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness, and other problems. Electrolyte imbalances can be caused by a variety of health conditions, such as chronic heart or kidney disease, endocrine diseases (such as problems with the adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, or parathyroid glands), eating disorders, or bone disorders. Any condition that causes the body to lose too much water (such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or taking medications called diuretics) can also lead to an electrolyte imbalance.


Masy said...

tu laaahh..mak da kata balik awal,degil ni..hohohoh

Sham said...

eh.... bila plak mak saya cakap mcm tu?

Unknown said...

hmm....rasa bukan awak sowang je laa rasa gitu... skang nie maybe musim demam sebab cuaca mmg amat panas...kat opis plaks sejuk bangat sbb air-cond..jadi perubahan suhu mendadak menyebabkan badan cepat lemah gakss.. bukan awak sowang je rasa gitu sham, kenkawan opis saya, famili saya..pun rasa cenggitu gaks laa.. malah husband saya bila malam je badan dia panassss sangat...dah 2 hari dah..

Noushy Syah said...

sham-->lemau tu n0ushy xbrape faham tapi kalau hypo and hyperthyroidism tu indeed!! Just wanna add to your info that hyperthyroidism memang bole menyebabkan fatigue tapi kalau dah sampai ketaraf enlargement of the thyroid gland visibly and also mata yang sampai cam dah nak tersembul tu, tp kalau setakat mildly disorder aje perhaps kesannya xbrape dirasai.

electrolytes inbalance ni boleh diatasi dgn banyak memakan banana and sea food, mmg bagus utk tambah and correct your electrolytes inbalance.Ikan sardine dan semua jenis ikan yg berminyak dgn kandungan omeganya sgt baik utk mengatasi masaalah ini.minum 100plus...?? I guess yeah another alternative too...but eat natural resources lg bagush.BTW..sham rasa lemau ke?muahahahhahahha!!

Sham said...

my condition, nothing to do with lemau la dear noushy... just an impression.. hehehe
yeah... now you're speaking my language! noushy budak medic ke?
kalau dah sampai enlargement of thyroid gland tu, dah teruk sgt...
memang byk mineral dalam banana or sea food.. but if to take it from a natural resources... perlu masa to extract... to breakdown all those molecules and bondage.. but if take it from a more direct sources... u'll recover more faster... macam memansuk saline solution dalam pesakit la.. if u understand what i mean...

Noushy Syah said...

uiksss..sham, kalau dah menerusi intravenous infusion tu kiranya dah kes teruk!!! Bukankah lbh baik ambil dari makanan harian sedikit2 on daily basis, at the end of the day it'll accumulate and wallaaaa!!! it's for a healthy long term dude..not abruptly like having a saline intravenoushly!! Tu dah kes berat...tehehehhehehe...n0ushy bukan budak medical, tp ade kena mengena dgn medical...lallalalla!!

Sham said...

intravenous for more severe cases la... kalau setakat tetiba fatigue tu.. u can take for an example.. 100 plus... sbb it's an isotonic drink... and believe me.. cepat jer akan pulih.. yeah.. i totally agree with u about taking natural resourses.. but if an acute cases arise... we need a faster solution..

Let me guess.. biomedical sc?

Noushy Syah said...

INdeed sham...acute cases.....absolutely rite, tu mmg dah kena hospitalisation arrr...BTW..n0ushy jugak bukan biomed, tp involved in medical team...part of medical team!

Sham said...

so.. boleh close case le ek.. hehehe

part of medical team? ermm.. nursing?

Noushy Syah said...

NOPE...I'm S/PT hiksss...masa student ade arr belajar abt medical tu kan....

Sham said...

apo S/PT tu? i was a biomedical sc student... but tak abis study.. ahaks..